Page 1 - Reviews - Christopher's Original Formulas, Relax-Eze Extract, 2 fl oz (59 ml) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Nov 17, 2023
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The taste is slightly sweet, a hint of bitter and forest, and spice on your tongue from the cayenne. First thing you need to be aware of, is because it's herbal, it can a) sometimes take time to work for you, and b) depending on your body chemistry and your current nervous state, may require less or more dosage. With herbs you need to invite them in and see how they work with you, and move forward with that in mind. Also keep in mind it contains valerian - in some people, too much of this causes insomnia (or excitability) so it's important to try it slow and not use the full dosage at once if you are sensitive. For myself as a herbalist, the first time I used this, I had been recovering from nervous sensitivity (long periods of on and off stress tire your nervous system) and I thought taking the full dose would help me sleep - however it took two hours before I could sleep. My mind raced and I felt a little jittery, because while my body was accepting it, I was in a state that may not have worked with the herbs properly. The next night, I tried 5 drops and this worked much better. Now, years after getting over the nervous sensitivity (wish I'd been a herbalist then) I only need a drop or two to help quiet the brain and sleep. Just because they are herbs doesn't mean they don't work - the body uses them in the way it needs them, and sometimes, too much is too much. Go slow, get used to it, give it time. If you're in a supremely nervous or anxious state don't be afraid to take the full dose, just don't panic if your body decides to stay alert for a while, and then suddenly you fall into a long deep sleep (this happened to me - I slept for 12 hours afterwards but felt good). It's doing what it needs to with those herbs. Dr Christopher and his teachings are amazing and so are his products, but it's essential you understand how herbs work in order to appreciate their workings in your body.