Page 2 - Reviews - RSP Nutrition, AminoLean, Pink Lemonade, 1 Stick Pack, 0.56 oz (9 g) - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Mar 21, 2024
Verified Purchase
Rewarded Review

RSP Nutrition's AminoLean in Pink Lemonade flavor, available in convenient single-serving stick packs of 0.56 oz (9 g), is a game-changer for my pre-workout routine. Here's why: Taste and Mixability: The Pink Lemonade flavor is refreshing and enjoyable, making it easy to look forward to before a workout. The stick packs dissolve quickly and completely in water without any clumps, ensuring a smooth and tasty drink every time. Performance Boost: AminoLean provides a balanced blend of amino acids, caffeine, and other energy-boosting ingredients. I've experienced a noticeable increase in energy, focus, and endurance during my workouts after taking it. Plus, the added amino acids help support muscle recovery and growth, making it a comprehensive pre-workout option. Convenience: The single-serving stick packs are incredibly convenient, especially for on-the-go use or when traveling. I can easily toss a few packs into my gym bag or purse, ensuring that I have my pre-workout boost whenever and wherever I need it. Clean Ingredients: RSP Nutrition is known for its commitment to quality, and AminoLean is no exception. I appreciate that it's free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, and that it contains no unnecessary fillers or additives. Overall Impression: RSP Nutrition's AminoLean in Pink Lemonade flavor stick packs have become a go-to part of my pre-workout routine. They provide a tasty and effective boost of energy and focus without any jitters or crashes. Whether you're hitting the gym or need a pick-me-up for a busy day, these stick packs are a convenient and reliable option. Highly recommended for anyone seeking a clean and effective pre-workout supplement.